White Papers
In these White Papers we describe the challenges of developing effective vaccines for Zika, Influenza (flu), and COVID-19 and explain the benefits of CD8+ priming, Gylden’s set-point vaccines and why we believe our approach addresses many of the issues:
- COVID-19 White Paper – Update December 2020
- The Case for T-Cell Vaccines for Elimination, and for Control of Transmission, of COVID-19 – 31 August 2020
- CD8+ Priming as an Artificial Method for Inducing Herd Immunity into a Population White Paper – 3 April 2020
- Scientific Rationale for the Use of T cell Priming to Limit the Spread of COVID-19 During Active Pandemic White Paper – 31 March 2020
- A Case for a Universal Coronavirus Vaccine White Paper – 18 March 2020
- Flu Vaccine White Paper – August 2018
- Zika White Paper – August 2018